Food for thought

I love living and I can't stop wondering about a lot of things... Sometimes what I unfold is so marvellous that I can't keep it just for me... 

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Cheers to a greater you!

Another precious year is coming to an end, just a handful of hours and 2024 will enter the sphere of memories with its moments and emotions interpreted and lived. Each of them leaves a mark on our psyche and our body, as well as on the psyche and body of...…



In our human experience there is a feeling that encompasses everything else and it is called gratitude. But full and sincere gratitude is an experience that is achieved only by letting go of a lot of things, especially expectations and the poorly concealed sense of "having the right" to receive...…


Values and Priorities

If there is a reflection that I believe to be enlightening and fundamental for everyone, it is considering your values ​​and priorities. Have you ever asked yourself this question: does my life reflect my fundamental values ​​or am I simply following one uncoordinated priority after another? And the answer is...…


Polarised emotions and perceptions

I am going to explain an aspect of being human. And indeed, if you don’t already know this, the awareness will profoundly change your ability to interpret both yourself and others.…


Hymn to Life

The more I stop to observe the details of everything around me that is natural, the more my heart expands with a feeling of almost childlike wonder. For many years I was so busy living and making things happen that I lost contact with the beauty and perfection of the...…


Achievement is not the end goal of life

We have been conditioned in this since we were little. It is difficult for us to break free from this mental attitude, so marked in Western culture. We consider ourselves smart only if we have goals and are capable of achieving them.…



Such a rare experience in our modern lives.…


What if your life was a mirror?

Have you ever thought about this? Have you ever stopped to observe what happens outside of you when you’re in a particular mood? Give it a try and you will realise how the outside reflects the inside.…


Where are you living your passion?

As human beings we are all equipped with an internal instinctive system that draws us to the things we are passionate about. You will have experienced this a thousand times: there are things that capture your attention and others that leave you completely indifferent, there are people you admire and...…


Letting go to move forward

I find that letting go is one of the hardest things for most human beings to do. Our “operating system” is programmed to control and therefore we create countless levels of attachment to people, things and situations.…


Blessing your life

There is something vitally important that too few people still understand. The words you use are energy that you put into movement and every expression of energy that belongs to you determines the vibration through which you experience.…


A single thought can change the direction of your life

There are days when my perception and understanding of the patterns of this life are so clear that I want to scream at everyone in the world “wake up!!!!” so they stop whatever they are doing, their hearts pounding.…


Wishing you a revealing New Year!

As I look back on the months of this intense year, a year that will soon crystallise as the past in its ebbs and flows, sometimes joyful and sometimes painful, I see precious pearls shining. My work allows me to accompany people on their inner journeys, and I consider this...…


The value of disobedience

The theatre of the world we live in is becoming more extreme, exacerbated and out of control. We can choose to take refuge in fear of the consequences. Or, we can understand that there is a different perspective available to us.…



I choose to live in a world where people celebrate life and feel good together. A world where the word competition has been completely annihilated and replaced with the word cooperation. And since I believe 100% in the power of imagination, I choose to imagine this world with my eyes...…


Feeling OK

It might seem trivial, but this is the hardest thing for most people to do and even those who seem ok with themselves often hide areas where their sense of adequacy does not match what they show on the outside.…


Taking Care Of

In the past few days of this month of August that came and ended too quickly, I have been reflecting on the attitude of "taking care of…", which feels normal, easy and obvious, but now I understand that it is not at all like that.…


The lack is a clue

Life is a fascinating challenge for me, and thanks to my insatiable desire to better understand the "rules of the game", I continue to collect information that in my interpretation makes sense. Maybe try to see if it can do this for you too?…


Understanding death is the key to knowing how to live

Death. A word we struggle to say and something we don’t want to think about. A definitive word that scares us and we prefer not to bring into our conversations. We don't like to talk about death. In our imagination death is a terrifying figure.…


Exiting the lack of self-esteem loop

Self-esteem issues, and consequently also self-confidence issues, are one of the most common themes that people share with me.…


The power of "We"

It is happening.…


Spring cleaning your life

We've officially entered a new spring, even if the London weather still doesn't help us believe it (sigh!). We naturally suddenly feel the desire to open the windows, let in more air and light and let go of the heaviness and slower rhythms associated with winter.…


The Myth of Normal

I am reading an intense and wonderful book by Dr Gabor Matè that is entitled "The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture". My heart lights with gratitude at each chapter for the lucidity of Dr Matè’s conclusions, expressed in such a scientific and rigorous way...…


Be where You Are

A few months ago I heard these words echoing very clearly in my heart. It was a suggestion, but in a tone that I could not ignore. It was a reminder of something I know but I can easily forget: be present to what you’re experiencing in the moment.…


The gift of a New Year

The more you become aware of yourself and your creative power, the more exciting the challenge of the new year is. Because now you understand clearly that it no longer makes sense to feed hopes, now you know that you can choose what to invite, to desire and to co-create...…


From Survival to Evolution

The end of another year is approaching, and it is somehow normal at this time to engage in deep reflections. Even if the time as we mark it is only a shared convention and the years only begin and end in the way we calculate them, this established end and...…


Playing the game of change

The hardest thing for anyone who wants to change their reactions or their life (a consequence of their reactions) is to let go of established habits of thought and behaviour.…



It seems impossible to live without fear. Especially in recent years, with fear becoming our daily breakfast, lunch and dinner in a thousand different ways. Health, economic, energy, climate crisis… a constant crescendo of alarmism, negative tones, dramatic news.…


Listening to your intuition

We are all intuitive when we are born. Intuition is the intelligence of the heart and the voice of your higher self, the part of you that knows the true reasons for being who you are.…


Relearning feeling

Feeling is your magnificent navigation system that allows you to be in the world and manage your life experience. Without an automatic and detailed instinctive feeling of danger or safety, you will be unable to survive in the jagged range of dangerous or safe experiences you face every day.…


Intention rather than reaction

Today I’d like to talk about the part of you that you hide because you’re often ashamed of it. The part of you that makes you raise your voice in discussions, that makes you imagine retaliation and revenge, that every now and then would like to react, even physically, letting...…


The pursuit of happiness

The pursuit of happiness is the most deceptive trajectory we have ever been oriented towards. Because happiness is not a point of arrival but a starting point, and therefore it should not be sought; instead, it should simply be chosen.…


Unstoppable Life

Maybe it’s because I was born in March, and so the spring is stamped in my bones and it flows in my blood, but for me this season is the most magical of the whole year.…


Becoming a Woman

I haven't always loved being a woman. When I was a little girl, I found it more fun to mix and play with my cousin and his male friends than to waste time with pots and dolls.…



Observing and studying the unfolding international crisis, I realise more and more how much the choices that the politicians and states-people are making are without a future, since there is no future behind them. There is no truth or logic anywhere in what is going on.…


The biggest epidemic of all is called Fear

Yesterday morning we woke up with a heavy heart. The discovery that Putin has launched a physical attack on Ukraine has left us feeling incredibly fragile. The word war resonates in the media after decades and it is not very far from us, does not concern unknown and remote people.…


What is true and what is real?

I still remember the first time I found myself facing a situation that forced me to broaden my perspective. As a child growing up in a family where it was easy to trust what the adults taught and shared with me, I found this unexpected and potentially game-changing.…


2022 - Wishing you ... a miraculous year!

Every year, as the new year approaches, I invite myself to choose a word that could be the soundtrack to my new year, and today a very unusual word flashed inside, calling to be seen and acknowledged. This word is “miracle”.…


The darkness of winter

We are entering it. Days are getting colder and shorter. Skeletal silhouettes of bare, dark trees stand out against white skies… Winter is coming as everything slows down and freezes, as if nature is holding its breath and dying out. But it's just a break.…


What reality are you choosing?

I find that one of the most fascinating concepts of the quantum universe we live in is that of the multiplicity of timelines or infinite possibilities. What does this mean in practical terms? It means that all possible realities exist at the same instant and it is only the observer's...…


Talking about vibration...

Knowledge is power. Deep understanding or awareness of what you learn, even more so.…


You are not alone

There are two fundamental aspects of our ordinary existence that take enormous power away from us: having not self-esteem and feeling different, inadequate and alone. Both are the subtle but sophisticated "gift" of our educational-cultural-social system that plays a strong role in developing a sense of individual inadequacy and vulnerability,...…


"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

Mahatma Gandhi pronounced these words more than 70 years ago, but the full power of this magic formula has only become clear to me through a deeper understanding of the quantum universe.…


The ultimate freedom

I have always known that I am a free spirit. I have cherished dreams of independence since I was a child. My imagination has always been filled with thoughts of adventures and travel. I have always wanted to learn a language that would allow me to communicate with everyone and...…


From the love of power to the power of Love

This statement sounds like a play on words, but in reality it is a portal to dimensions of existence of immeasurable beauty. For those who understand it, and above all for those who have the desire and passion to integrate it into their life, this is the code that projects...…


Nothing is as it seems

“Nothing is as it seems” – this statement may give you a sense of discomfort. This is natural.…


Disentangling the knots of your life

There is one thing that we all do that we are all profoundly unaware of. But this thing completely slows down and messes up our lives. It is called resistance.…


Let's Feel the Spring ...

I know I am well ahead, and the weather is not a certainty, but these days of early spring are a special gift and a wonderful balm to our repressed spirits. Being able to go out and breathe the blue of the sky and the colour of the crocuses that...…


The cathartic power of the stage

I’m reflecting a lot during this time. And the deeper I go inside myself, the more I can understand the complexity and the wonder of life. As I do so it becomes easier for me to observe myself with detachment, to grasp the nature of my reactions, to understand the...…


How will you enter the new year?

We are at the end of an intense and challenging year. A year like never before. A year that has put each of us to the test in many different ways. A year on the edge between a past that was abruptly interrupted, and a future still heavily clouded by...…


Banging your head against a wall

Banging your head against a wall sounds bad. But it's really just painful. Banging your head against a wall can be the most enlightening moment of your life if you ask yourself why the wall exists instead of why you hit your head against it in the first place. …


The new level of the Game

The social systems in which survival prevails are dominated by very primitive emotions such as fear, but when consciousness evolves on an individual or collective level, the target changes from survival to evolution. We, as humanity, are literally experiencing this dimensional shift.…


Living without certainties

2020 is presenting you with a gigantic evolutionary challenge. It is asking you to overcome the default scheme of your brain – relying on the certainty of what is familiar – to learn to rely on your ability to face anything, even the most unexpected and monumental trial, with the...…


Mind the Gap

In the time that I have lived in London, this alert has become part of my daily life. It is written everywhere on the underground and is often repeated in stations where there is a significant difference in height or a potentially dangerous space between the platform and the train...…


What you sow, you reap

How many times have you heard this saying? But have you truly realised what it means? This is not a simple saying from our grandparents; it is one of the fundamental laws of the universe. It explains with enormous clarity and simplicity that you – nobody else – are the...…


The Time is Now

Lost, colourless, confused, tired, worn-out... these are the emotions I hear people talking about more and more these days.…


Your Heart KNOWS

In this moment of our lives as the news flow directs you towards uncertainty, fear and concern, I really want to be the voice out of the chorus that helps you reflect on trust. But what kind of trust? The deep and unconditional trust in yourself.…


A new vocabulary

The power of words is undeniable. They, just like thoughts, possess a creative or destructive energy.…


Who do you want to be when all of this is over?

This crisis is taking away everything we had and giving us everything we no longer had: time and the rediscovery of the simplicity of life. But how we accept and integrate these gifts into our lives will be very important.…


The value of your time NOW

I know that all your attention right now is focused on what's going on around you. You may be overwhelmed by the news regarding the spread of the virus and the measures that various governments are taking, the financial and economic impact of what is happening, the statistics about the...…



Balance is the magic word at the core of the entire Universe. Balance is what holds together everything that exists and that is perceptible with our senses. When organisms, systems and nature go out of balance, they have a natural correction mechanism that brings them back into balance.…


Truly a New Beginning

January 2020. I want to consider this year a new beginning. So much has happened in the last few months for me and it’s as if a whole chapter in the story of my life has been completely closed.…


2020 - Growing Up

Yesterday I was walking in the sun, kissed by the beauty of a bright and shiny day, and I wondered what I could wish for, what I should wish for the new year already upon us...…


The special effects of meditation

Since my last powerful experience I feel I can no longer keep to myself something that most of us still ignore: everyone has the ability to transform and overcome whatever is not working in their lives. Everyone. No one is excluded. But fighting, effort, trying hard, is not the road.…


What is Love?

What is Love? …


Healing is a choice

Healing is a choice and I already hear some people saying, “If so, who wouldn't choose it?"…


The corrosive power of judgement

I don't think it will be easy to understand what I'm about to share with you, but this awareness is acquiring such value in my life that I feel driven to share it with people and help them understand it.…


Blissful Solitude

There is a huge difference between choosing solitude and feeling lonely. The English language has two different words to express these concepts: aloneness and loneliness. Aloneness is a state of being, a desire for space, silence and breath.…


How tired are you?

Tiredness is a word that tires my mind just to think of it. But these days I can't help but find it in my thoughts. My body offers me this thought, maybe because of the incredibly hot weather we are experiencing, or perhaps because of the series of unpredictable circumstances...…


The meaning of Happiness

What do you mean when you talk about happiness? What do you need to make you happy? What are the ingredients you require? Do you know what happiness is for you? Do you associate it with a feeling? Is happiness a state of awareness for you? Is it the defeat...…


Changing perspective: staying still

We all know what perspective is; it is the vision we get of something depending on where we position ourselves to consider it. But it is so easy to forget how much it affects our daily life and the quality of life itself.…


All is good

Recently I have been focusing on the concept of “polarity”. …


We are super-heroes...

A few weeks ago I shared my thoughts on the crisis we are experiencing and I explained my confidence in the evolution of human potential towards unexplored horizons. What I want to do today and in the coming weeks is to tell you what is already happening in this direction...…


Another way...

It's the end of January and I'm at the beach. Never before have I spent my winter days here and the change in pace and scenery is striking. Like the powerful nature that screams in the wind and the waves of the sea.…


2019: Be Courageous

Another year is about to end in the continuum of our lives and for many of us this means reflections and good intentions. This is quite natural. Even if the “end of the year” is just a shared "convention", it marks a passage and a stage at which we become...…


Are you connected?

Are you “connected”?…


Finding Your Purpose

I do not know if this is your current experience too, but the restless or anxious need to find a purpose is what currently affects the lives of many of the people who get in touch with me; they want to give direction to their lives.…


Wise, Wild and Free

I know that what I’m going to say here will make you deeply uncomfortable, but it is a powerful truth that I can’t keep to myself: you will never stop choosing. Every choice you make incorporates consequences for yourself and for others and, as such, you are profoundly responsible for...…


A "less personal" life...

It took me a while to understand the true scope of the philosophical suggestion "do not take everything personally", but the fruitful readings of this past summer have really helped me to put things into a perspective where I understand and I feel able to begin to practice this with discipline.…


Do you deserve it or not?

August, the long-awaited holidays, the holidays you dreamed of for months, are finally here. Soon you will be happily free from the routines that mark your weeks and for a short time you will perhaps feel more alive.…


What a shame...

Do you know which are the most annihilating emotions, emotions that affect your life, from which you try to escape in every way by engineering the most varied and sometimes unconsciously complicated strategies and solutions? Humiliation and shame.…


There is only Life

This spring, spring 2018, is a very different spring for me, and not just for weather that on certain days reminds me more of November than May. This spring has brought me a gift along with a lot of painful and complicated news and forced me to experience unexpected dynamics,...…


"Words are flying carpets"

"Words are flying carpets" says one of my favourite authors, Caroline Myss. And I believe this completely.…


Angels exist and sometimes they sell socks...

You never know where you will meet a master.…


I will be happy when...

I will be happy when... I will be happy if... It is so easy to think in these terms. We are so used to thinking this way. We imagine that our happiness will be complete only when and if we reach a certain chosen condition.…


Focus, Focus, Focus...

I’m repeating this because I need to remember it myself. Focus is vital, essential, magical in your life. Without focus your photographs are lacking clarity and perspective, they are flat and confused. The same happens in your life; without focus there is nothing that stands out, your energy is scattered...…


2018 - My warmest wishes to you!

In these final days of the year, it is so easy to ruminate on your expectations for the new year. If you've had a complicated or tiring year, you may be feeding the hope that the next year will be different.…


Self-Worth not just Self-Confidence: that is the key!

You may not believe it, but around 90% of the people who approach me consider themselves to lack confidence in one or more areas of their life. Even people who seem to be really strong and successful, gifted and outspoken.…


Forgiving, it shouldn’t be so difficult, but…

I’m sure forgiving is not a word you like… it makes you feel weak in a world where only the strongest thrive. And I’m sure forgiving is not a verb you like… because you believe that in order to forgive you need to accept what you have been a victim of.…


The Paradox of our times

A few days ago, I was watching a movie set in medieval times and I found myself reflecting on something that is constantly in front of my eyes, but perhaps that's why I fail to see it. …


The scent of the right choice

Summer always helps me think because I have found a place where it is easier to put distance between me and the world. It's undeniable that having too much contact with everything is a tremendous temptation and a distraction when you want to keep a narrow focus on something very...…


Choosing to be fully yourself

“The key to it [a truly fulfilling life] lies not in what we have inside of us, but rather in what we are willing to own that we have inside of us. There is no point in waiting until we are perfect in what we do, or enlightened masters, or...…


The mind is marvellous and the mind is marvellously dangerous

I have long been fascinated by the mind. I remember the amazement and wonder I felt when, as a child, I saw Yuri Geller on television bending the spoons with his psychic energy. Although his abilities have since been widely criticised, I have continued in my quest to understand and...…


Be in Tune

It seems that this – being in tune – is the key to everything, the key to your success, your wealth, your happiness. The tuning. But what do you need to be in tune with?…


How to create a life that truly represents you

A few weeks ago, in my last blog, we talked about the sense of responsibility, or rather response-ability. This is a fundamental feature to develop to feel at ease in your life and it becomes easier to understand if I outline what socially relevant lies are preventing you from seeing...…


Becoming Response-Able

My 2017 began with a rather specific question: "how can I become different and thereby create different results in my life?" I chose this question to be the soundtrack of my days. What I have realised over the past weeks though is that most people do not fully understand the...…


2017, let's make it different!

The old 2016 with its sweet and savoury flavours is running towards a young 2017 that waits at the end of the road. In just a few days we will turn into a new year and energise again.…


The new wealth

Are you one of the new sages and visionaries who understand that the old social and cultural system and the old mental patterns have profound limits and are close to their end? I keep meeting people like this.…


What you tell yourself

One of the most powerful insights I gathered only a couple of weeks ago when I asked those who follow me to tell me their thoughts: a lot of people live with huge anxiety, the fear of failing or the fear of not succeeding.…


What do you think?

This blog is going to be a little surprise, because unlike normal, today I won’t share my thoughts with you about something, but rather I will ask you to reflect on what you consider to be important, pressing, challenging or unsettling in your life and share it with me. …



It is spring. Yes indeed, and this makes a big difference to the light. What a joy when you leave the office and instead of being embraced by darkness, you are surrounded by a living world flooded with such a light that it gives you the feeling you have more...…


What do you do?

It’s funny to find out how many times you take things for granted, until you meet the person with the candor to make you change the way you think. This happened to me a few days ago. I was with a friend who I haven’t seen for years.…


The natural world: a cure for everyone

I was born in a small town in ​​the Italian Alps; the town is called the city-garden. I have the green of the hills in my blood. My grandfather was a gardener and a poet who taught me to live life with kindness and respect for people, seasons, flowers and plants.…


Unlearning to learn

It may seem absurd and counterintuitive, but when we get a better understanding of how we function neurologically, unlearning or letting go of what we have memorised in terms of habits and behaviours is the process that helps us to learn more.…


I'm Enough

“When you let go of trying to get more of what you don’t really need, which is what we’re all trying to get more of, it frees up immense energy to make a difference with what you have” (Lynne Twist) …


Growing Up

When did you grow up?…


Making a difference. Some additional thoughts...

I wrote about this theme some time ago. But it keeps coming back to my heart and I would like to share some additional thoughts with you. …


Running out of time

“I’m running out of time” is a phrase we use a lot. Lately these words have been at the core of my reflections because I’m excessively using them too. But they are nonsense. …


2016: A year full of meaning

In very few hours we will be ready to celebrate the beginning of another New Year. …


Love is all you need

Love is all you want because it's the only emotion that makes you feel deeply alive, that thrills you, that makes you expand. It is a feeling of fullness, of completeness and well-being.…


Daring More

"Daring More" ... I don’t know why but these words have been resonating in me for a few days like a mantra……



“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as who you become by achieving your goals.” (Henry David Thoreau)…


Be kind to yourself

"Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens" (Louise Hay)…


Making the Difference

Making a difference is not hard, everyone can make a difference in what they live, in their relationships, in their work, their career, their spare time. Just adding passion to their style. …


Out of the shadow

Marika is 23 years old, she is beautiful and has a bright smile, she has a strong scholastic curriculum, is actively involved in several profit and non-profit organisations, can speak four foreign languages ​​and ... has a deep vulnerability and fear of exposing herself.…


The key to your happiness

I read words by the poet Jane Kenyon this morning and found in them the key to everyone’s happiness...…


Why not?!

It is so easy to constantly follow the same road, indefinitely repeat the same gestures, engage the same reactions that you have learned to handle so well. The routine provides you with comfort and safety, everything happens in a smooth automatic way and you can avoid deciding and thinking...…


Know Thyself

For me the summer is always a period of great joy, because in the lush paradise where I spend my days it is easy to entertain interesting conversations with relaxed friends and guests who are willing to get involved in my relentless curiosity for all topics regarding human potential.…



We have got to the heart of the summer, idyllic August, the most desired month for all who work eleven full months for their next holiday.…


Why can't I?

Why can’t I? …


Thoughts from a midsummer night

"Amnesia of love". I read this beautiful combination of words in a blog and was immediately inspired to reflect on it. …


Being what someone else wants... a recipe for tears...

Laura is a beautiful woman, her 55 years worn with elegance and class. She has a bright smile and a slender body. She has experienced her life as a feather carried by the wind: seemingly effortless.…


"Little Women" are growing...

I love this work; it keeps me in constant contact with people eager to expand, to grow and experiment.…


Do you live your reality or your dreams?

This question is less trivial than it may seem.…


Do You Fear...?

Hands up who is not afraid of anything. Fear is the most shared emotion in the world, it is behind all of the stress we experience daily.…


Give and Take

I’ve just finished reading a beautiful book: Adam Grant’s "Give and Take: a revolutionary approach to success". This book has nourished my heart with the kind of news and confirmations that I like so much: those related to the possibility of a better world.…


To Fail is to Shine

When I ask people who come to work with me what their biggest fears are, nine times out of ten they say failure.…


A bomb-proof relationship, do you have it?

It is quite common to have a lot of doubts and worries regarding our romantic relationships because we often feel insecure and need constant validation regarding our partner's commitment and love. …


Four Steps Outside the Rules

If you are born in the western world in a classic and ‘normal’ family, the rules are very simple:…


It is not what you do for a living that matters...

It is not what you do for a living that matters, it is what you do with your living.…


Do you have a personal kit?

Sometimes we really need to hold onto something because the knock we have received has been so strong it has left us completely dazed and confused.…


What is this situation telling me about myself?

If there’s one recurring lesson in my life, one that I’ve learned over and over in different ways, it’s definitely to stop blaming others when something goes wrong.…


I will never, ever get tired of talking about ...

I will never, ever get tired of talking about … unleashing your true spark.…


Confidence: a few thoughts for all the women reading…

If you are a woman, whatever age and whatever life experience you have, I think you will agree with me on this.…


2015: Are you ready for an Extraordinary Year?

Another year will end in a few hours and the new 2015 is right behind the door shining with expectations, good intentions and desires for the future. …


Wishing you...

Christmas: a time for wishes, for greetings, for reflections……


Travelling Light

Travelling light is something you learn when you begin to travel often.…


Success: what does this really mean?

To be successful, to be a successful person, doesn’t have the same value and meaning for everyone.…


Finding Yourself

I like the energy of this phrase: Finding Yourself. …


Shine with no Shame

The self-esteem and/or self-confidence problems are issues that affect most of us. …


To be or not to be. That's the question.

This is indeed one of the most important answers you can find for yourself; the one that owns the power to turn your life upside down.…


Feeling Good, the Most Powerful Compass You Own

Our most common practice is to complicate our lives. …


Being Busy is a Decision

"How we spend our days, of course, is how we spend our lives," Annie Dillard. …



What I find wonderful about a holiday is that it helps you to be playful, relaxed, informal and spontaneous. When you are on holiday you breathe in a different way and, usually, you do not care to live up to anyone's expectations. …


Curiosity is your best friend

Life is a fantastic learning experience and one of the most useful qualities you can own is 'curiosity'. If you're curious boredom simply disappears from your life because you always find something with which to stimulate your attention.…


Everything is going To Be Okay

Do you remember when your mum used to pick you up from the ground with skinned knees, a runny nose and salty tears? …


What is determining the quality of Your Life?

It seems almost impossible to accept, because we are very good in finding external excuses, but the quality of your life simply depends on two factors: the quality of your thoughts and the quality of your attitudes, which are both connected.…


Are You Sexy?

I’m sure I’ve got your attention by using the “sexy” word… However, “being sexy” is not something that many recognise easily in themselves.…


The difference between visualizing and having a vision

I am so happy because last night, thanks to some very inspiring reading, I had an insight that allowed me to put into words and concepts what I’ve been grasping at for a while but until now wasn’t able to define with such clarity: the difference between the ability to...…


Less is More

I've been hooked into this concept some months ago and having experienced its benefits I chose to adopt and integrate it into my lifestyle and making it become a healthy habit. I cannot say I'm yet able to switch to it automatically but every time I do I feel a...…


Enough of This

I know that what I’m going to tell you will be tough to hear. …


A New World?

Never before has the power of the individual to influence the community and society been so huge.…


As Within so Without

Isn’t it a wonderful feeling when someone’s words that you're reading or listening give you a feeling of truth?…


A View from the Top

Over the past few weeks I have been lucky to have a view of things from above: I have been in New York at the top of the Empire State Building, in Chicago on the Sky Deck at the Tower and a few days ago I was in Arizona overlooking...…


Living from Your Heart

The secret of a happy life is passion.…


Are You Living Your Truth?

A couple of weeks ago we spoke about resilience and the fact that resilience is a quality you develop from the inside.…



I came across this word recently and I fell in love with its meaning immediately: resilience means “the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape” and I just realized that never as much as nowadays have we needed to be or learn to be resilient.…


Love starts with You

Happy Valentine’s Week!…


2014 - A Year of Opportunities

2014 - Wishing you a Very Special New Year…


Action: Your Power in Motion

We’ve got there! We have finally arrived at the last super-power: Action!…


The Importance of Your Decision

It looks like life is all about decision-making doesn’t it? …


The Magnetism of Your Attention

If the Intention lets you choose the why, your ATTENTION or FOCUS is what brings the WHAT closer to you. …


The Magical Power of Your Intention

Here we are, as promised I’m back to help you master your Super-Powers and the first on stage is: Intention.…


The Fantastic Four

I bet you will laugh if I tell you you’re a super-hero, but this is absolutely true. …


Daydreams: the best food for your mind

“Imagination is more important than knowledge” - A. Einstein…


Inner Self-Talks...

What a thrill when you are facing a new challenge! You feel the emotion in your body: a mix of positive expectations and the mistery of the unknown and then suddenly this little voice start to whisper in your ears: “you won’t be able to do it”...…


Upgrade your Mindset, Upgrade your Life

Do you want a different quality of life? Upgrade your mindset!…


The Power of a Smile

Smiling is such a simple act but many people don't know why to do it. …


Here is my secret...

"It's a very simple secret: it is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."…


Attention please: Beauty in the area...

The Beauty is inspiring and uplifting. …


You Are Special!

You are special: have you ever thought about you in this way?…


Mastering others is strength.
Mastering yourself is true power.Lao Tzu
