

What I find wonderful about a holiday is that it helps you to be playful, relaxed, informal and spontaneous. When you are on holiday you breathe in a different way and, usually, you do not care to live up to anyone's expectations. 

You sleep more... and you laugh more! 

... With amazing benefits to your body and your mind ... 

So why don't you adopt the same style in your normal working weeks?

Who says that in everyday life you have to be always serious, controlled and measured? 

Any hobby and activity you're passionate about can be considered playing. Creating “playing time” in your day and in your weeks can really help you to feel better, but also to become more productive and effective in all of your tasks. 

Where is the magic?

When you are “distracting” your brain with creative activity you are simply allowing it to wander at different levels, creating new connections between its cells and accessing a wider variety of inputs and data stored in your memory. 

Playtime opens you up to the opportunity of finding unexpected solutions to problems that have plagued you for days. 

Games, hobbies and sports open up new frontiers for insights. 

On top of that they make you feel better because in doing something you're passionate about your brain releases endorphins that make you experience a deep sense of fulfilment and pleasure. 

Playing has the beautiful effect of making you smile, be more creative and innovative! 

So why not create a "playground space" in your daily routine to put you in a good and creative mood and maybe, share it with someone else to enjoy it even more? 

There is no better way to use your time. Taking life too seriously is not the only option you have, and certainly not the most amusing one...

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  • Idalia 15/02/2017 1:59pm (8 years ago)

    Am citit si eu cartea, Corina...mi-a placut foarte mult. Stii ca o am cu autograf, am fost la ce frica mi-a fost ca o sa se intample ceva si nu o sa pot sa ajung...In Revista din iulie, intr-o poza de la acest eveniment, sunt langa Ilona lui te uiti daca ai timp. Revenind la Carte, este exdarortinraa...o sa ma bantuie la modul frumos mult timp. Dupa ce am terminat cele 3 volume, am recitit prozele din "Atat de grozava si adio", nu numai pt ca asta mi s-a intamplat de atatea ori, ci pt a intelege mai bine povestile de

  • Annalisa 27/08/2014 6:44am (10 years ago)

    ... and this is the secret of life, isn't it Angela?! EN-JOY...

  • angela peachey 27/08/2014 6:41am (10 years ago)

    yes, absolutely, one can enjoy so much more when everyday life is not a chore, be playful and jolly.. love the thing you do, chat with the person you like, eat the food you enjoy...

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