"Words are flying carpets"

"Words are flying carpets" says one of my favourite authors, Caroline Myss. And I believe this completely.

But what does this statement really mean? 

It means that words are a very powerful way to realise your aspirations and your dreams. The language you use is not only one of the most effective means you have of relating to others, it is also a tool that allows you to focus your mind and create your own results. Becoming aware of the language you unconsciously use therefore becomes essential to stop being a hostage of limits and words that do not allow you to fully express your potential.

How you talk to yourself and how you express yourself in general can become a flywheel, or it can represent your cage. The words, the concepts and beliefs that you master define the space within which you experience your life. 

Have you ever realised that not everyone has and uses the same vocabulary? This is not just a consequence of the culture, education and curiosity of the individual, it is also a consequence of the conscious and unconscious choices everyone makes. The more extensive and varied the vocabulary you possess, the more you are able to express your meaning and feelings in detail. The more you use certain words, the more these words hold you "hostage", or expand your emotions. This depends on the words you treasure the most.

In our culture we have all grown up in the shadow of words like “competition" and “lack”; capitalism has accustomed us to using and believing in these words since childhood. And these two words in particular dominate our experience. We are conditioned to believe that we are always missing something because the economy continuously grows, providing solutions to new needs. We are conditioned to compete because we are convinced that resources are scarce and only those who arrive first can enjoy them. Believing in these concepts perpetuates a social structure that faithfully reproduces them, creating the illusion that this is the only possible reality. But what would happen if you stopped believing in and using these terms?

I did this. And, as a result, my life experience has completely changed. I stopped accepting and choosing competition as a parameter, and the stress virtually disappeared. I am not in competition with anyone. I establish times and routes in an autonomous way. I do not care about the rules of others and I follow my intentions and intuitions, which are exquisitely based on me and my personal aspirations. I do not aspire to arrive first, to be better than someone else. The only competition I still pay attention to is that with myself: I know I do not want to be stuck. Who I will be tomorrow is a more advanced and improved version of who I was yesterday. Since I do not compete, I do not need to obsess about compliance with the latest trends and, as I do not compete, I do not need to defend myself. So now there is no more stress, anxiety and defence.

A brilliant result.

Now, for example, try to imagine what would happen to your life if you let go of words that make you small and take away your confidence. Try to imagine what would happen if you stopped using and believing the word "incapable". In our lives we are never incapable. We are all able to learn: we learn to talk, feed ourselves, walk, read ... and then, depending on our needs and preferences, we learn a lot more. If you define yourself, or let yourself be defined, as incapable, you are allowing a lie to influence and limit your life. When you think you are incapable you behave as if you are and the actions thus confirm your expectations, trapping you in a false definition of yourself, that, as you have accepted it, becomes a cage. How many cages have you created without even knowing it?

Analyse the quality of your language and start doing a deep cleanse. There are some inappropriate and useless expressions that we tend to use a lot; for example when you say "I will try". To try is a verb so weak and full of doubt that it has the effect of lowering rather than raising your motivation. Those who use “I will try" simply want to protect themselves from the fear of being judged negatively if they make a mistake. "I will do" has a different energy, it contains motivation, courage, resourcefulness; she who does things is allowed to make mistakes the first time she does them; making mistakes is useful, it teaches us to do better.

Listen to the words you use and record how they make you feel. If the words you use habitually turn you off, or make you feel uncomfortable, they are not words that help you expand your potential and it is time to replace them and let them go. Choose words that are real flying carpets, words that raise and amplify your personal energy, words that inspire you and encourage you. I promise that you will immediately experience a very different quality of life.

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