Where are you living your passion?

As human beings we are all equipped with an internal instinctive system that draws us to the things we are passionate about. You will have experienced this a thousand times: there are things that capture your attention and others that leave you completely indifferent, there are people you admire and would like to imitate because they are experiencing exactly what you’d like to experience, and others you don't even notice. There are things or experiences you could repeat a thousand times without ever getting bored and others you try once and immediately put aside. We all have a natural internal orientation that does not depend at all on the culture or education we received; it is like a magnetic force that guides us from within.

Passion is an engine that activates you and sets you in motion towards what resonates with your talent, with the quality and characteristics of the energy you manifest through your personality.

When you act with passion, everything seems more beautiful, fuller, more satisfying, more complete. It's not necessarily easier or less tiring, but certainly more meaningful and fulfilling.

Living your passions charges and doesn't drain you, it enlightens and doesn't turn you off. It amplifies your life force and makes you feel full and fulfilled. Living your passions makes you feel truly alive. If we learn to live this natural instinct with courage, without being constrained by any limiting belief, we will all certainly be happier and less stressed, more in control of our time, more present and more fulfilled. Passion is a vibration that frees you from rigid patterns of behaviour and allows you to express the true essence of who you are and, above all, to create your best results.

All the great geniuses, great artists, great performers at every level have operated and operate from a space of total focus in their passion. They are immersed in it and don't allow any distractions to interfere. They are in the so-called “flow state”, completely focused on doing what they are passionate about. And it is in that space that, neurologically speaking, their brain reaches the gamma frequency, an expansive frequency that opens them to the possibility of drawing on higher levels of their consciousness, receiving intuition and accessing extraordinary energy reserves.

Each of us can reach this frequency through deep states of meditation, as Dr Joe Dispenza is demonstrating with his work. But the simplest and most natural way to do it is to let yourself be absorbed by your passions, to choose a lifestyle where passion and not duty guides your choices. Choosing to follow your heart. When you focus on something that excites you, you feel a different power emerging from within you. It is an amplified force, a clarity of vision, a propulsive charge. Passion propels you into action and action is exactly what transforms your life. An action inspired by passion always creates extraordinary results. Everything that is animated by passion reverberates differently and influences others differently. You immediately notice those who are carrying out their task with passion and those who are simply doing it because they have to; the result has a totally different flavour.

A passionate life is a full, rich, fulfilling, complete life, it is a life that in a certain way keeps you outside of time, because you operate from a different level of consciousness, where time does not exist. Allow yourself to express your passions as much as possible and you will realise how quickly any sense of anxiety, worry or demotivation will disappear forever because passion heals you from the inside out.

So the most relevant question for you now is assessing “where am I living my passion?” and if you can’t find an answer, it’s probably time to find out why you’re denying yourself this joy and power. 

(Pic credits - Renan Brun for Unsplash)


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