
Success: what does this really mean?

To be successful, to be a successful person, doesn’t have the same value and meaning for everyone.

In our culture succeeding has became synonymous with becoming visible, appearing everywhere, being constantly under the spotlight. It doesn’t matter why people see you, but they have to see you: the more the better.  

With this in mind we have reached unthinkable lows: some people do whatever it takes: petty, gross, rude things just to be on stage and become visible. Others get involved in discussions they don’t know anything about just show up, under the spotlight.

Among young people, but also among adults, the imperative nowadays is to be seen, to get noticed, to be popular.

Would you interpret that as success?

For me, success has a completely different meaning and depth. 

Success is understanding what really makes you feel whole and fulfilled, not stopping your search until you feel you have reached your goal.

Success is an intimate and personal work that we each design for ourself from our own aspirations. It is nothing that requires external approval or recognition.

Success is a state of mind and an emotion that everyone can reach.

It's not an exclusive experience.

You are able to achieve your own success when you start finding clarity about what is important to you and begin to know the tools you already have to get where you want, as well as those you need to acquire. 

The people who succeed are those who don’t stop even when they realise they are missing something to get where they want to be.

They realise they have to learn more, to broaden their horizons, to create extra opportunities for themselves and they start to do so.

There is nothing that we can’t learn to do even if we don’t own that skill. Our brain has capacity to keep increasing and improving its knowledge and its abilities for the duration of our lives.

But again, the most fundamental ingredient in achieving success is the trust and faith that you place in yourself.

Nothing can stop you when you know who you are, when you have made peace with your vulnerabilities, assessed your beliefs and when you are ready to engage your qualities, talents and skills in the direction of your desires. 

Success is a product of your heart, your choices and your mental attitude.

If you still think you can’t achieve anything, the most important thing you can do is look inside yourself and challenge the vision you hold of yourself.

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