Values and Priorities

If there is a reflection that I believe to be enlightening and fundamental for everyone, it is considering your values ​​and priorities. Have you ever asked yourself this question: does my life reflect my fundamental values ​​or am I simply following one uncoordinated priority after another? And the answer is very easy to find: how satisfied and complete do you feel? When your choices reflect the values ​​that are important to you, your actions are in harmony with your heart, and this integrity makes you feel good about being who you are in your life and behaving the way you do. However, when your decisions are based only on your priorities and not aligned with your values, the resulting feeling is almost always an incomplete and temporary satisfaction that over time becomes an increasingly deep sense of emptiness.

The increase in the number of depressed and anxious people that continues to grow at a dizzying level reflects this sense of disconnection between ourselves and lives that do not resonate with us. For many of us, life has simply become a series of obligations, “musts” that have neither a pleasant nor a profound taste; most of the time we perform roles that do not fulfil us.

The solution I see to this issue is simple, even if requires courage. Ask yourself: what are the values ​​that are truly important to you? Values ​​are the fabric of which we are made, the concepts with the power to animate our energy. If one of my fundamental values ​​was family and I were trapped in a job that kept me away from or separated me from my family most of the time, I could not feel good inside myself and consequently with others.

Each of us has a different set of values, which can also change over the course of our lives, conforming to the evolution of our experience. Knowing what these are and what hierarchy they have in terms of importance is a truly powerful and revealing exercise that can help us choose priorities that are increasingly consistent with our values.

When my priorities reflect my values, I am in a position of serenity and strength because my actions are consistent with my deep inner feelings.

So if you find yourself in a moment of crisis or confusion, if you feel a sense of lack or incompleteness, I strongly suggest you delve deeper into this reflection and try to understand what is keeping you away from yourself. What priorities dominate your life? Are they aligned with what you viscerally feel is right and true for you? Or are you not respecting yourself and giving too much time and importance to things, people and situations that have no value for you? Nothing external will ever be able to fill the sense of emptiness you feel if you’re not faithful to your heart. No result, no goal, no object, no person. These things are just tools to temporarily fill that space and numb the sense of unease, but it will not disappear.

Only your conscious choice to realign your priorities with your values ​​will allow you to completely transform that feeling, and from a sense of emptiness, and perhaps even anguish, it will push you towards a growing sense of presence, vitality and completeness.

(Pic credits - Unsplash - Darius Bashar)

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  • Carly 04/11/2024 2:09pm (4 months ago)

    Beautiful, spot on Annalisa. Exactly what im going through now. Much appreciated.

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