Finding Your Purpose

I do not know if this is your current experience too, but the restless or anxious need to find a purpose is what currently affects the lives of many of the people who get in touch with me; they want to give direction to their lives. So many of us feel trapped inside lives that go too fast, lives that take a lot and leave little peace inside.

There are people that have achieved countless goals, each time hoping the next one will be the one to give them full satisfaction, and yet each time, they find themselves feeling a sense of incompleteness. And there are those who have not managed to do so and find themselves stranded in professions, relationships and lives that are going nowhere.

Those who find the courage to want change almost immediately stumble out of fear of making another mistake; and they may spend months trying to find the right purpose. They have a lot of confusion and fear inside because the years have passed and they feel they cannot afford more mistakes. They also feel responsibility not to disappoint and to give strong signals to those who see their anxiety and want to be reassured that they know what they are doing.

This search for purpose becomes almost an obsession and the market responds to this and offers you countless courses, seminars, books, systems and strategies to "find your purpose".

I want to give you a bigger gift, however. I want to tell you something you already know, but you've probably forgotten. You do not have to look for your purpose. You are your purpose. There is no role in the world more interesting or important than being fully yourself. There is nothing to find, you are already and you have always been who you should be. We all have the same purpose: to be fully ourselves, playing the multiple roles that life offers us with passion and integrity, doing our best in every moment, in every situation, in every circumstance.

Your goal is to get up in the morning and be able to infuse your day with the profound value that, in an absolutely unique and unrepeatable way, you create just by being you in the world.

It does not matter if you are the president of a republic, a famous researcher, the pope, or a humble worker on an assembly line. Your goal is to do your best to be at peace with yourself and to create peace around you. Your personal human success is far from being measured by the “likes” on a digital page; it is the impact in terms of the love you have for your children, your colleagues, the stranger who crosses your path.

Are you able to not lose yourself in a world that does everything it can to disconnect you from your personal integrity? Are you able to not be swallowed by the anger, condemnation and criticism that drown our lives? Are you able to be the best version of yourself when someone hits you or humiliates you? These are the questions I ask myself every day and I invite you to ask yourself them.

When you understand this perspective you finally realise that you can let go of the anxiety of looking for something so desperately because you can live your purpose in any role; indeed, you can continue to change role and have fun playing with all the possibilities life offers you. The important thing is that you do not lose contact with yourself, with your values, with your essence.

The magic of this understanding is that it completely frees you from the fear of making a mistake. Each choice is right if it is another chance to be yourself and to contribute positively to something greater than yourself.

So now you can take a deep breath and let go of your anxiety: aspire to always express your maximum potential and your purpose will be achieved in every moment and every circumstance of your life. And, as a beautiful consequence, you will radiate effortless gratitude and joy.

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  • Annalisa 11/11/2018 4:39pm (6 years ago)

    Dear Claudia, your words are a joy for me. Thank You!

  • Claudia 11/11/2018 4:07pm (6 years ago)

    It is a relief to know that I already am what I am supposed to be. Thank you Annalisa for your beautiful message!!

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